For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in beverages, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered for fruit juices, wine, and beer.
The new QuickGen line based on filtration or centrifugation with subsequent qPCR allows an extreme rapid and specific screening and detection in beer without pre-enrichment (reduced sensitivity, no differentiation in vitality) having results within two hours after sampling.
The established qPCR kits based on pre-enrichment of the sample allows a sensitive screening and specific detection. The new concept of pre-coated 8-well qPCR strips (TPBD, TPYB) enables the user to screen and identify safely over 30 beer spoilage bacteria and yeasts in one qPCR run without misinterpretation and can be performed on common multiplex blockcyclers.
- FBD 0100: GEN-IAL® First Beer Magnetic DNA kit
- FMM 0100: GEN-IAL® First Magnetic Milk Kit
- SE 0100: GEN-IAL Simplex® Easy DNA Kit
- SES 0050: Simplex® Easy Spin DNA Kit
- SEW 0100: GEN-IAL Simplex® Easy Wine kit
- BAM 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Biogene Amine Multiplex PCR Kit
- CCFH 0005: GEN-IAL® Color Compensation Kit LightCycler
- HPPM 0050: GEN-IAL® Pectinatus spp./ Megasphaera spp. FRET
- PLBCL 0050: GEN-IAL® Lactoballicus collinoides L. brevis / L. lindneri FRET
- PP1H 0050 LC2.0: GEN-IAL® P1 Hyb Probe Screening LC 2.0 FRET
- PP1T 0050: GEN-IAL® P1 TaqMan™ Screening
- PP1T 0050 SP: GEN-IAL® P1 Screening Spartan DX-12 TaqMan™
- PP1TCC 0005: GEN-IAL® Color Compensation Kit LC 480
- PP1TOH 0050 SP: GEN-IAL® P1OH Screening Spartan DX-12 TaqMan™
- PPA1T 0050 SP: GEN-IAL® PPA1T Screening Spartan™ DX-12
- PYHYB 0050 LC 2.0: GEN-IAL® First Yeast Hyb Probe Screening LC 2.0 FRET
- TPA 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Essigsäurebakterien PCR Kit
- TPAB 0050 : GEN-IAL® Alicyclobacillus spp.
- TPAB 0050 SP: GEN-IAL® Alicyclobacillus spp. Spartan DX-12
- TPABM 0050 R: First-Alicyclobacillus multiplex PCR kit
- TPBD 0096: GEN-IAL® First-Beer differentiation PCR-Kit
- TPLB 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L.brevis/brevisimilis PCR Kit
- TPLBU 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L.buchneri/parabuchneri PCR Kit
- TPLC 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L.collinoides/paracollinoides PCR-Kit
- TPLCO 0050: GEN-IAL® First- L.coryniformis PCR-Kit
- TPLCR 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L.casei/L.paracasei/L.rhamnosus/L.zeae PCR Kit
- TPLL 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L. lindneri PCR-Kit
- TPLP 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L.plantarum/L. paraplantarum/L.pentosus PCR-Kit
- TPLPER 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L. perolens PCR-Kit
- TPLR 0050: GEN-IAL® First-L. rossiae PCR Kit
- TPM 0050: GEN-IAL® First-M. cerevisiae PCR Kit
- TPOE 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Oenococcus oeni PCR Kit – NEW
- TPP 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Pectinatus spp. PCR Kit
- TPPC 0050: GEN-IAL® First-P. cerevisiiphilus PCR Kit
- TPPD 0050: GEN-IAL® First-P. damnosus PCR Kit
- TPPF 0050: GEN-IAL® First-P. frisingensis PCR Kit
- TPPM 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Pectinatus spp. / Megasphaera spp. PCR Kit
- TPWS 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Wine PCR Kit TaqMan® Screening – NEW
- TPYB 0096: GEN-IAL® First-PCR Kit yeast and bacteria differentiation
- TPYDA 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Dekkera anomala PCR Kit
- TPYDB 0050 FH: GEN-IAL® Dekkera bruxellensis TaqMan™ FH
- TPYDB 0050 FR: GEN-IAL® Dekkera bruxellensis TaqMan™ FR
- TPYDB 0050 SP: GEN-IAL® Dekkera bruxellensis TaqMan™ Spartan DX-12
- TPYOG 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Yeast OG PCR Kit
- TPYPA 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Pichia anomala PCR Kit
- TPYPM 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Pichia membranaefaciens PCR Kit
- TPYSD 0050: GEN-IAL® First-S.diastaticus PCR Kit
- TPYUG 0050: GEN-IAL® First-Yeast UG PCR Kit