Intended use:

RIDASCREEN® Salmonella (Art. No.: R4201) is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the rapid detection of Salmonella in food, feed and environmental samples after enrichment (ISO, FDA, USDA, FSIS, BAM). The screening result (presumptive presence/absence) can be obtained in less than 23 hours.
RIDASCREEN® Salmonella has been approved for food, feed and environmental samples by the European validation organisation AFNOR (ref. No. RBP 31/01 – 06/08) according to EN/ISO 16140 standard.

General Information:

RIDASCREEN® Salmonella is a robust, flexible test used to detect motile and non-motile Salmonella (including S. pullorum and S. gallinarum) from an overnight enrichment broth. It works with a simplified one step enrichment procedure to revive any sub-lethally damaged Sallmonella spp. and increase cell numbers.
Highly specific, purified antibodies on the well selectively capture any Salmonella present in the sample. A suitable broth is added to the well for rapid growth. The sandwich is completed by the addition of enzyme-labelled antibodies (conjugate) specific for Salmonella.
The presence of Salmonella is indicated when the bound conjugate converts the substrate to a blue colour. The results can be read visually or automated with a micro plate reader after the addition of the stop solution ending the reaction and changing the colour from blue to yellow. Production of no colour indicates absence of Salmonella in the enrichment broth and therefore in the original sample. All reagents are differently coloured for a better visual follow up of the pipeting steps.

Art. No. R4201
Test Format Micro titre plate with 96 wells (12 strips with 8 breakable wells each)
Standard Range Positive and negative control
Sample Preparation One step overnight enrichment in buffered peptone water (BPW)
Incubation Time 4 h incubation with Salmonella broth 1 h 15 min detection procedure.
Detection Limit 1 cell/25 g of sample which equals to approx. 10000 Salmonella/ml after total enrichment time.
Shelf life 12 months (from date of production) at 4 °C
Additional Information Screening samples with RIDASCREEN® Salmonella can confirm the safety of food and feed products sooner than many other methods.
Following the AFNOR protocol or for acidic and acid producing samples (e.g. raw milk) in general the incubation time to increase Salmonella in the wells has to be at least 5.5 hours.