Αναλύσεις Υπολλειμάτων

Hormones and Anabolics
Product Adulteration

On the following pages you can find different kinds of tests for the detection of residues in food and feed.

Definition of residues

In Food and Feed Analysis, Residues are known to be the remains of substances. They are the causes in subject to concentration and duration of exposure in humans and animals negative effects. Thus, they can be classified as harmful.
These substances can be occured as natural or artificial contaminations in the particular raw or processed products.

A) Pollution by contaminants
“Contaminants are substances which are not used intentionally. They may come from the environment or processing.” (Source: bfr.bund.de 2012: 2012: Evaluation of contaminants in foodstuffs) These substances include:

  • mycotoxins
  • marine biotoxins
  • plant toxins
  • substances caused by processing
  • heavy metals
  • contaminations from the environment

B) Pollution by residues
“Residues are the remains of substances which are intentionally used during the production of foods.” (Source: bfr.bund.de 2012: 2012: Evaluation of residues in foodstuffs) These include veterinary drugs and pesticides.


For consumers, protecting the contents of residues and contaminants are regulated on national and international level.

Residue analysis

Our product portfolio includes various test systems, such as

  • enzyme immunoassays (ELISAs)
  • lateral flow tests
  • test cards
  • microbial inhibation test
  • immunoaffinity columns

for the detection of mycotoxins, phytotoxins, hormones/anabolics and antibiotics are in different matrices.