SureFood® PREP Advanced


This kit is intended to be used for the extraction of animal and plant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).



Intended use:

This kit is intended to be used for the extraction of animal and plant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).


General Information:

The sample preparation is universal for all allergens using SureFood® PREP Advanced. However, different protocols are available depending on the sample matrix. It is very efficient and gives sensitive results.

The DNA extraction protocol 1 is designed for the sensitive extraction of animal and plant DNA from food according to regulation (EU) 1169/2011 (Flowchart overview protocol 1).

The DNA extraction protocol 2 is designed for the extraction of plant DNA from highly processed food and feed (Flowchart overview protocol 2). Furthermore, it can be used for samples that produce PCR inhibiting DNA extracts when extracted with protocol 1. Potentially occurring PCR inhibiting substances are efficiently removed in additional binding and purification steps.



Article Numbers S1053
Test format For 50 preparations.
1x Proteinase K
1x PCR grade water
1x Lysis Buffer
2x Binding Buffer
1x Pre-Wash Buffer
1x Wash Buffer
2x Elution Buffer
1x Spin Filter, green (50 x)
2x Spin Filter, clear (50 x)
4x Receiver Tubes 2.0 ml (50 x)
1x Receiver Tubes 1.5 ml (50 x)