The test detects the relative quantitative RoundupReady2 Yield-Soya DNA amount (RR2Yield-Soya).
Therefore the kit contains two PCR systems, one specific for the RR2Yield-Soya (OECD unique identifier MON-89788-1) and the other one specific for Soya (reference system).
The test detects the relative quantitative T25-Corn DNA amount.
Therefore the kit contains two PCR systems, one specific for the T25-Corn (OECD unique identifier ACS-ZMØØ3-2) and the other one specific for Corn (reference system).
This kit can be used for screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, feed and seeds. The multiplex test detects the following DNA-sequences:
Phosphinothricin-Acetyltransferase gene (BAR) from Streptomyces hygroscopius
Phosphinothricin-Acetyltransferase gene (PAT) from Streptomyces viridiochromogenes
The transition from CTP2 (Chloroplast-Transpeptide-signal sequence from Arabidopsis thaliana) to herbicide tolerance-gene CP4 EPSPS (5-Enolpyruvylshikimat-3-Phosphat Syntheses gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4)
The SureFood® GMO SCREEN 4plex BAR/PAT/CryIAb/IAc/CTP2:CP4 EPSPS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection and differentiation of following specific genetically modified DNA – sequences.
The test detects CaMV DNA. The presence of CaMV DNA indicates an infestation with the cauliflower mosaic virus. Host of the CaMV are Brassicaceae plants. With the virus specific detection system SureFood® GMO CaMV it is possible to verify the detection of a genetic modification.
The test detects the genetically construct P35S:BAR. The LibertyLink 601 (LL601 – OECD unique identifier BCS-OSØØ3-7) Rice and the LibertyLink 62 (LL62 – OECD unique identifier ACS-OSØØ2-5) Rice contains this genetically construct but it is also present in other GMOs as StarLink Corn and Bt176 Corn.
This kit is intended to be used for the extraction of animal and plant DNA from raw materials as well as processed food and feed with sample weight of 2 g. It may use only in conjunction with the SureFood® PREP Basic (S1052).
This kit is intended to be used for the extraction of animal and plant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) from raw materials as well as slightly processed food and feed. It is also recommended for the extraction of animal DNA from highly processed food and feed.
SureFood® QUANTARD Allergen 40 is a laboratory reference material developed for quantification in the range of 1 – 400 mg allergenic substance / kg food.
The SureFast® Salmonella PLUS is a real-time PCR for the direct, qualitative detection of a specific DNA sequence of Salmonella spp.. The SureFast® Salmonella PLUS real-time PCR kit has been validated and certified in combination with the SureFast® PREP Salmonella kit by AOAC (licence number: 041103).
Each reaction contains an internal amplification control (IAC).
Trilogy® Dried Standard Aflatoxins B1,G1,B2,G2 is a ready to use liquid analytical standard contains 2 µg/mL B1/G1 and 0.5 µg/mL B2/G2 in Acetonitrile.