The Cocktail (patented) has been developed by Prof. Dr. Enrique Mendez (patent WO 02/092633). The Cocktail (patented) is required for the sample preparation in RIDASCREEN® Gliadin (R7001), RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin (R7002), RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive (R7051), RIDASCREEN® Total Gluten (R7041) and RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (R7003 / R7004).
The Lateral Flow Almond incl. Hook Line from Bioavid is an immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of almond residues in environmental samples (e.g. in food production lines), CIP-water and food samples. The assay is applied for the detection of small amounts of almond contaminations.
The Cocktail ECO can be used for the sample preparation of raw materials, heat treated and processed food.
The Cocktail ECO is used in combination with the following test systems: RIDASCREEN® Gliadin (R7001), RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin (R7002), RIDASCREEN®FAST Gliadin sensitive (R7051), RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (R7003) and RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) (R7004).
The RIDA® Extractor 2 is required for the extraction for heavily liquid absorbing matrices (especially flour based matrices absorb great volumes of liquids during the sample preparation).
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin can be used as a swab test for gluten detection on surfaces in the hygiene control, in cleansing waters, and for the qualitative detection of gliadin/gluten in raw material and processed food.
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (ready to swab) can be used as a swab test for the gluten detection on surfaces in the hygiene control and in cleansing waters (CIP water). The test has been developed for the detection of low amounts of gluten (contamination). No high-dose-hook-effect is observed at high concentrations.
RIDA®QUICK Gliadin (single packaged) can be used for gluten detection on surfaces for hygiene control (swab test), in cleansing waters, and for the qualitative detection of gliadin / gluten in raw material and processed food. The test has been developed for the detection of low amounts of gluten (contamination). No high-dose-hook-effect is observed at high concentrations.
RIDA®QUICK Soya is an immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of soya contamination (native and processed) on surfaces (swab test for the hygiene control in production and in laboratories) and in food (biscuit, margarine, chocolate, sausage).
RIDASCREEN®FAST Milk is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay to quantify milk proteins (casein and ß-lactoglobulin) in food containing whey, milk or milk powder such as sausages, ice cream, chocolate, bakery goods, cake and bread mix, soups, sauces, dressings and beverages (juice, wine, beer).
RIDASCREEN®FAST β-Lactoglobulin is a sandwich enzyme mmunoassay for the quantitative analysis of native and processed β-lactoglobulin in rice crispies, chocolate and sausage.